50 best Rahul Kaushik quotes redefining love & life (Melting Words)

Rahul Kaushik quotes

Rahul Kaushik is one of the best Indian writers on Instagram, sharing quotes and poems about love, life, relationships, friendships, and more. Thousands of readers are able to relate to his heart-warming words. His Instagram handle @TheMeltingWords today has more than 700K followers. Rahul Kaushik quotes and poems started to gain momentum on Instagram and Facebook in 2016.

People became a true fan of his words and Rahul went on to write poetry in 2018, which is a collection of his selected work.

Best quotes and poems by Rahul Kaushik of The Melting Words

Since @themeltingwords has around 10K posts, we have curated a few of the top ones here for you.

Rahul Kaushik quotes on love and relationships

Some people just keep saying take care. And some people just take care of you without ever showing. That’s the world for you, of empty words and silent actions.


Once you taste the peace of loneliness, people and relationships feel toxic.


With a wrong person, whatever you do right is such a waste of emotions and efforts.


When someone trusts you from the start, it adds a silent burden on your soul to not break that trust. You never know what fights that heart has fought before convincing its broken-self to trust you again. It’s a test of your character from God, and the karma will be watching.


They were two different people, totally opposite, but they had one thing in common. They both never wanted to give up on each other, never. And only this honest, pure emotion kept them together.


Sometimes, we do know the cause of your pain. But we refuse to let go of that person.


What does poetry mean in the new world of memes?

Memes are an escape. Poetry is acceptance.

Memes are laughter medicine. Poetry is soul food.

Memes are for eyes. Poetry is for the heart.

Memes are bae. Poetry is love.

Memes are a trend. Poetry will always be in fashion.

Memes define our mood. Poetry defines our being.

Memes are to tag our friends. Poetry is to tag yourself.

Memes are good. But poetry is everything.


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I am tired of people telling me what’s wrong with me. Now I want only those people who tell e how good I am. I am sick of these dudgemental people spitting their negativity on me in the name of positive feedback. Guess what? I am not a product on the shelf. I don’t want your rating. Just leave.


People are sweet to you when they come. And then, they leave you with bitter memories, always.


If she is rude in her tongue, but she is sweet in her heart, then hang on to her. If her mood changes in a second, but she always stays loyal, then hang on to her. If she shows that she doesn’t give a damn, but she deeply cares when it matters, then hang on to her. If she never talks much to others, but she shares everything with you, then hang on to her. She is a special, special girl. Keep her for life.


Respect is what keeps a relationship going. Everything else is just a noise.


Why don’t you date someone?

Because I like it being single, being free. There is no drama, no fights, no compromises, and no restrictions. I like this freedom, this peace. Nothing against love, but no, not now.


Why things don’t last these days?

Because no one wants things to go deep. People just want to experience things, not feel them. How can things last without feelings, how?


There comes a time in life when you are just too lazy for any relationships.


We all need a saviour. Sometimes, it’s someone who loves you. Sometimes, you have to love yourself more.


Why did I stop caring?

Because instead of understanding me, you started to judge me. You didn’t believe my words. You didn’t see my actions. All you did was hurt me, daily.


It’s funny how the girls spend hours to consider, investigate, and discuss about all the proposals they get and end up choosing the biggest assholes ever over the real, sweet, and genuine guys. How, dear sister? How do you manage this miracle, always?


If you have loved, you have lived poetry. If you have been broken, you have felt poetry. If you have stared at the stars, you have admired poetry. If you have heard the sound of rain, you have heard poetry. If you have gazed into the eyes of a beloved, you have read poetry. If you want to soothe the soul and hear the heartbeat, then please read poetry.


You ask me many things. You say you wanna know me. But there are times when I wish for you to listen to my silence, to read my eyes, to feel my heartbeat, and to float in my vibe. I crave that intimacy. I want that spiritual bridge between our souls. I want us to be magic, real magic.


It takes self-respect to say goodbye when the heart begs you to keep suffering and stay.


What love stories lack these days?

Respect, respect for each other. Respect for dreams, space, and freedom.

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Rahul Kaushik quotes on life

When tears hit you, nobody cries those tears with you. It’s just you, your pain, your mess, your fight. So, make sure that you are your own priority, always.


Stop missing people. Start finding yourself.


The hardest of fights are fought in your own head, all alone, with a smile on our lips, and a storm within.


When all you are left with is you, you realize how much time you wasted on people who were just fake.


I don’t relate to most people of my own generation. I search for more depth, more realness. I feel like an old soul stuck in this soulless world.


It’s okay to go cold in your heart when there is a war going on in your head.


The most important thing is to not give importance to people who are temporary travellers in your journey of life.


Once you remove the fake smiles and sweet lies, most people are just so ugly in their soul, so ugly.


So many people talk about you. But very few sit and talk to you, about you, how you feel, what you want, what’s troubling you, and why that smile is missing. These very few people, maybe one or two, these people deserve your time and attention. Leave rest of them to just judge and bark. You focus on your people.


Everyone has fought at least one battle that no one knows about. It was that personal.

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It just takes a few days spent alone in your misery, in your helplessness to realize that people don’t really care. It’s all up to you, your life, your mess, your sadness, your fight.


I have made my peace with being called rude. I am honest. I am blunt. I take no bullshit. And if that’s rude, then bloody hell I am rude.


Once you reach a certain age, you stop believing people. You just smile when they promise, when they lie. You just wait for them to show their true colours and prove you right.


The easiest way to peace is to keep deleting people from your life.


I have chosen loneliness over fake people. You think I am a loner. But I think I value myself.


Sometimes, nothing is hurting you. You are just numb, tired, maybe. You don’t want anyone close, no voice, no text, no person, nothing. You just want to be left alone to find the answers, to find your peace.


…but being alone all the times, you will get into depression.

I stay alone not because I am sad, I stay alone because it makes me happy. I enjoy this feeling of self-love, self-care, and self-importance. It nourishes my soul. It makes me stay in touch with myself.


Sorry isn’t an apology. It’s just a word. Real apology is in actions, in change.


Don’t groom your daughter for marriage. Groom her to be kind, independent, and strong. Marriage is a part of her life, not her life.


We waste so much of our time making people feel the way we feel for them.

Also read: 50 Best writers and poets on YourQuote to follow in 2020

Wrapping up:

These are a few of the best poems and quotes by Rahul Kaushik (Melting Words). I hope you enjoyed reading these write-ups as much as I did.

If you know of more such poets and writers on Instagram, let me know via the comments below.

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