Book Title: Kaleidoscope of Colors II
Author: Robert A Cozzi
Number of Pages: 339
Rating: 4.5/5
‘Kaleidoscope of Colors II’ Poetry by Bestselling Author Robert A. Cozzi
Poignant and intense, the Kaleidoscope of Colors II picks up from where the previous volume is left. It is a collection of over 100 odd poems on various personal themes which echoes the opening quote by Jack Kerouac: “Write in recollection and amazement for yourself”.
This immediately brings out the powerful feelings of both joy and sorrow, ups and downs, to recollect and relay the teachings of life. In this sense, Cozzi is a good student and an open-minded learner for the observations made in the poems are startling.
Related reading: “Poetry provides emotional release and lets people know they’re not alone in their thoughts”— Robert A Cozzi
Poems by someone who has lived life from the heart
They have the knowledge of someone who has lived life from the heart and wholeheartedly embraced every facet and every chapter of life regardless of what it offered. The collection need not be read in its printed sequence and poems can be picked up from any page of the book to be devoured gently.
Author Robert A Cozzi has an eye for observation. He puts forth an idea through an image, hoists the implications behind it, and then hurls it towards the reader gently. Yet the impact is heavy. For example: “You are someone else’s poetry now” from the poem I Wrote It All For You.
Such impactful poetry can only arise from a deeply thoughtful mind. Its charm lies in its simple diction, conversational style, and moderately difficult vocabulary.
Also read: Poetry Review: ‘Perspective to Pen- An Anthology’
Modern living, love, and grief
While the poems in Kaleidoscope of Colours II are of varied length, the volume, on the whole, is light and romantic read. Imagery abounds in these poems that holistically present the struggles of modern living, of loving and grieving only to recover from that grief and discover oneself anew.
Hurt and heart get intertwined in this collection as it paces forth to reveal itself by caressing the reader intimately, stroking the strings of his heart, and letting him indulge in emotions felt universally.
The depth of thought calls for the reader to ponder, wonder, and be charmed at how full of contrast life is and even in its completion of a full cycle, meaning a lifetime, one can feel like they’ve missed out on a lot.
Narratives of love + hope + dreams + enigma = LIFE
Emotions run riot as the collection paces forward from subjective lyrics to mini prosaic narratives of love, hope, dreams, and the enigma called life. It is hard to put down in words the effect that the poems leave on the heart and mind of the reader.
Only someone who has been through the process of discovering this collection, deciphering it inch by inch, and diving deep into its cervices will realize what a gem of a book it is.
Reading this poetry collection by Robert Cozzi makes one lose track of time and the entire reading process can be beautifully summarized in the very words of the poet from his poem Midnight Swim:
“Let’s get lost
In this hurricane
Of forgotten inhibitions”